The Great Chanting for Deliverance
Human beings are the most intelligent species on earth. The human being is the most intelligent of all the species of life on earth.
Vedic scriptures provide the knowledge and the path to a happy and eternal life. Vedic knowledge's core subject is the discovery of our true self. This can be divided into two groups: conscious spirit and dead matter. Each living thing is a pure spirit soul. This is eternal, while the body in which it is enclosed is temporary and destructible. If a person does not realize his true self, his consciousness will be polluted by his identification with his body. All his actions result in karmic reactions. Thisbodily view of life is what causes his entanglement with the material world, and the consequent sufferingsbirth after death in different species.
Meditation, spiritual cultivation, worship of deities, and other spiritual practices are all mentioned in the scriptures. Our goal is to purify our contaminated consciousness and revive our original spiritual consciousness. This is when we will be able to see our true spiritual identity as fragments (amsha), of Bhagavan, Supreme Lord and Supreme Spirit. At this point, one can no longer engage in mundane material activities but will be devoted to the Supreme Lord. This self-realized soul does not return to the material world. He returns to the eternal spiritual realm to be with the Supreme Lord Online Puja Services Usa
The scriptures provide many methods to achieve perfection in self-realization at different ages. We are currently living in Kali-yuga. The recommended spiritual process for this age is to chant holy names of God. It is simple to do, but it is extremely powerful. It is clear that the only way to cross the oceans of nescience is to chant the holy name.
What can we do to attain perfection by chanting holy names?
Lord Krishna is the Supreme Absolute Truth. All that is related to Him is not different from Him. Krishna is pure and His holy names are also all-pure. When we chant His holy names in a state of surrender and devotion, it is as if we are touching the Lord Himself.
Hare Krishna Mantra chanting can also be compared to dusting a mirror. If the mirror is clean, it will reflect our face clearly. The chanting process will also purify our consciousness, allowing us to see our original spiritual nature and relationship with Lord Krishna.
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